Spendee este o aplicatie lansata de nu foarte multa vreme in App Store, iar cu ajutorul ei puteti tine mereu pasul cu toate cheltuielile pe care le faceti in viata de zi cu zi. Aplicatia are o interfata intuitiva si extrem de bine gandita, insa magia sta in capacitatea sa de a tine pasul cu toata cheltuielile si de a va da sfaturi pentrua economisi bani. In aplicatie trebuie sa introduceti sumele de bani pe care le castigati lunar, dar si tot ecea ce cheltuiiti, aplicatia facand calcule pentru a va spune daca lunar depasiti in cheltuieli banii pe care ii aveti disponibili.
Spendee is an awesome new app for managing your personal finances on the go. It gives you the power of unique data analysis in an adaptable environment that automatically and thoroughly analyzes your income and expenses, giving you intelligent advice on how to make the most of your money. The app is beautifully designed with a sleek simple layout and built with a precise user interface that is both enjoyable and comfortable to use. Simply punch in the numbers, and see your money analyzed and expressed as informative and easy-to-read infographics.
Main Features
- Intuitive and easy-to-use
- Adding a new transaction is fast and easy! – create a new transaction in seconds
- Expenses are conveniently added to Spendee Smart Categories
- Truly intelligent notifications for frequent expenses and income
- Snap a photo of your bills or personal notes and add them into the app for easy storage and management
- Beautifully designed interface with convenient infographic option – The design is both beautiful and fun to use
- PIN code protection
Aplicatia ne permite sa protejam toate informatiile cu ajutorul unui PIN, genereaza infografice cu toate cheltuielile facute in fiecare luna si ne permite sa introducem in calcul toate sumele cheltuite prin simpla fotografiere a pozelor chitantelor primite la magazine. Intr-o vreme in care economia mondiala abia “respira”, aplicatia Spendee este utila oricui, iar in App Store o gasiti intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.
Spendee – see where your money goes
Descriere: Spendee is an awesome new app for managing your personal finances on the go. It gives you the power of unique data analysis in an adaptable environment that automatically and thoroughly analyzes your incom…
This post was last modified on iul. 19, 2013, 8:48 PM 20:48