Lee Nealeeste un britanic care lucreaza ca si designer aerospatial si saptamana trecuta a avut neplacuta surprindere sa afle ca al sau cont bancar a fost complet blocat, nepermitandu-i-se sa retraga bani. Investigand problema, barbatul a descoperit ca fetita sa de 8 ani a reusit sa cheltuiasca 4000£, sau aproximativ 6000$ pe in-app purchase-uri in decursul catorva zile. Fetita nu stia ca acele in-app purchase-uri chiar costa bani si si-a achizitionat diverse bonusuri din 3 jocuri ale App Store, iar suma adunata este una enorma, tatal neobservand zecile de email-uri prin care Apple ii felicita pentru achizitiile facute.
Lily is only eight and hasn’t grasped the concept of money. She probably wouldn’t know how much a bag of crisps costs. I was very surprised how dismissive Apple were. This was an eight-year-old girl. Basically iTunes have told me categorically that I won’t be getting my money back. Now my dad is having to lend me money in the short term and I’m in the process of selling my car, my son’s off-road motorbike and probably my bike too. I just think these in-app purchases are terrible and people need to be aware.
Discutand initial cu Apple despre problema, compania i-a spus ca nu ii poate returna banii pentru in-app purchase-uri, iar barbatul a fost pe punctul de a isi vinde masina si doua motociclete pentru a plati datoria. Fara prea multe explicatii, compania si-a schimbat totusi decizia si i-a returnat complet banii barbatului, o masura care trebuia luata de la bun inceput. Britanicul sustine ca pentru a face toate aceste achizitii fiica sa i-a utilizat parola fara ca el sa stie, astfel ca totul a fost o surpriza completa pentru el.
Apple called me to say they will be refunding the money I have lost and apologised for closing my case so early. It really has saved my bacon. Lily had used the password she’d seen me enter to download the games. She is only eight years old. Even when I sat her down and explained that what she was doing had cost dad money, I still don’t think she really understood. These in-app purchases are terrible and people need to be aware.
Daca va intrebati si ce aplicatii au stat la baza problemei, ei bine : Campus Life, My Horse, Hay Day si Smurfs’ Village sunt vinovate.
This post was last modified on iul. 21, 2013, 11:42 AM 11:42