RoomScan Pro – o aplicatie pentru iOS care promite sa genereze un intreg plan al casei tale

  RoomScan Pro este o noua aplicatie a App Store-ului care promite sa ne ofere posibilitatea de a genera planuri ale propriilor case prin simpla scanare a acestora folosind iDevice-urile. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa apropiati iDevice-ul vostru de fiecare perete al casei, aplicatia calculand automat distanta dintre fiecare perete si generand un plan al intregii structuri. Dezvoltatorii aplicatiei sustin ca rapiditatea cu care ne miscam in interiorul casei determina rezultate cat mai exacte, camerele fiind automat conectate intre ele cu ajutorul unui algoritm special conceput de catre dezvoltatori.

RoomScan Pro draws floor plans all by itself – just touch each wall with your phone! A free version of RoomScan is also available to try out.

  • Get floor plans in seconds with approximate wall lengths and floor area – no drawing required.
  • The faster you move around the room, the more accurate the result.
  • Add doors as you walk around the room – no need to “drag and drop” them on later.
  • Rooms are automatically connected together to create a plan of the whole floor.
  • Scan data is uploaded up to 5x faster than the free version of RoomScan.
  • RoomScan can draw floor plans of large, complex rooms just as easily as small rectangular rooms (see screenshots).
  • Tap a wall to input your own measurement and RoomScan’s Autocorrect feature intelligently improves the shape of the plan and all the other measurements.
  • Measurements are available in metric, feet & inches and East Asian units (坪 / つぼ / 평).
  • We’re here to help if you need any assistance – just tap the ? button.

  Aplicatia permite, desigur, si corectarea planurilor generate de catre utilizatori, asa ca puteti modifica rapid orice fel de greseala facuta in interpretarea layout-ului general al casei voastre. Aplicatia RoomScan Pro

este disponibila in App Store intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch, insa o puteti rula si in 2x mode pe tabletele iPad.

Pretul initial:
RoomScan Pro



Developer: Locometric Ltd
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: RoomScan Pro draws floor plans all by itself – just touch each wall with your phone! A free version of RoomScan is also available to try out.

Get floor plans in seconds with approximate wall lengths and floor area – no drawing required.

The faster you…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 2.5 Mb

This post was last modified on iul. 23, 2013, 9:52 AM 09:52

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