O femeie inearca sa cumpere doua iPhone-uri, primeste mere in schimb

  Cand vine vorba de infractiuni privind bunurile achizitionate online, hotii sunt extrem de inventivi, iar in strainatate exista extrem de multe persoane pacalite. Un caz recent din Australia o are in prim-plan pe o femeie care a platit aproximativ 1400$ pe doua terminale iPhone, insa in realitate a primit doua mere. Ea a publicat un anunt pe un website de licitatii, a fost contactata de o alta femeie, s-a intalnit cu ea, i-au fost inmanate doua cutii sigilate care arata exact precum cele ale iPhone-urilor, insa in interiorul lor a gasit doua mere.

Police from the Upper Mt Gravatt Crime Prevention Unit say the 21-year-old woman placed an advertisement on the site saying she was interested in buying a few iPhones. Not long after she put the word out, a woman called and said she had two of the phone types the woman needed. The two women arranged to meet at Sunnybank McDonald’s where the transaction took place. The woman paid $1500 and was handed two iPhone boxes that looked new but she did not check inside. When the buyer returned home she opened the phone boxes to find apples in them – real apples, not the iPhone variety.

  Desigur ca hoata nu a fost deocamdata prinsa, insa probabil nu va trece foarte mult timp pana cand politia va da de urma sa, dar pana atunci o persoana a pierdut 1400$ din cauza prostiei. Lectia care trebuie invatata de aici este ca atunci cand achizitionati ceva de la cineva, verificati produsul inainte de a plati banii, indiferent de obiectiile cumparatorului, altfel cautati un alt produs in alt loc. Cutiile iPhone-urilor, sau a altor terminale mobile, pot fi resigilate extrem de usor, asa ca nu va lasati pacaliti de o folie pusa peste cutie, deoarece ea nu are vreo valoare.

This post was last modified on aug. 5, 2013, 8:39 AM 08:39

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