Twitter 5.9 update este disponibil, aduce multe noutati

  In cursul noptii trecute versiunea 5.9 a aplicatiei Twitter a fost lansata in App Store, una dintre principalele noutati aduse de catre ea fiind sistemul de autentificare in doi pasi, acesta putand fi administrat direct din aplicatie. Separat de aceasta functie, aplicatia ne permite acum sa vizualizam pozele utilizatorilor intr-o galerie stilizata, acelasi lucru fiind disponibil si pentru cautarile facute pentru poze; separat de ele sistemul de liste a fost imbunatatit, utilizatorii avand acum dispozitia de a crea edita si administra actualele liste; iar la final ramane imbuntatirile performantelor generale si rezolvarea diverselor buguri.

Now you can protect your account with login verification. This is a new form of two-factor authentication that you can turn on and manage directly from your app. 

Also in this release:

  • View anyone’s photos in a beautiful gallery when you visit their profile and tap ‘View more photos’
  • Photo search results can also be viewed in a gallery
  • Enjoy several improvements to lists: create new lists and edit your existing lists; manage titles and descriptions; add or remove members
  • Improved launch times
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

  Twitter 5.9 este disponibila gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Twitter, Inc.
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: With Twitter, you can watch the world unfold like never before.

Get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all in your timeline.

Follow people and your interests t…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 12.4 Mb

This post was last modified on aug. 7, 2013, 9:23 AM 09:23

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