MessageMe este o aplicatie lansata acum aproximativ jumatate de an in App Store si ea este prezentata ca o alternativa la aplicatiile de mesagerie text disponibile in magazinul celor de la Apple. Cu peste 5 milioane de utilizatori in intreaga lume, aplicatia nu face deocamdata parte din elita titlurilor pentru conversatii text, insa ea creste in popularitate pe zi ce trece. In afara posibilitatii de a trimite mesaje text, aplicatia ne ofera posibilitatea de a trimite si poze, de a utiliza stickere cu emoticoane, functionalitatea sa fiind aproximativ similara cu cea a WhatsApp Messenger, de exemplu.
Optimized for communicating with speed, simplicity and fun. We’re introducing photo broadcasting and stickers in this latest update. It’s the easiest way to share great moments with everyone that matters most to you. With stickers, unlimited expression is only a click away. Text your friends hundreds of colorful, expressive characters to capture just how you feel in any given moment. Excited, in love or feeling flirty, there is a sticker for every occasion. Why use MessageMe, a free, global, safe and fast way to send messages and photos.
Aplicatia MessageMe este disponibila gratuit in App Store.
Descriere: Join over 5 million people who love MessageMe!
Instantly snap a photo and send it to a friend, a couple of friends or even several groups of friends simultaneously!
Capture and share your favorite mome…