Coffitivity – aplicatia care iti reda sunetele unei cafenele pentru a iti creste productivitatea

  Coffitivity este o aplicatie lansata in cursul noptii trecute in App Store, iar functionalitatea sa este putin neobisonuita. Dezvoltatorii aplicatiei sustin ca oamenii sunt extrem de productivi cand asculta sunetele ambientale ale unei cafenele, asa ca aceasta aplicatie a fost conceputa pentru a ii ajuta sa fie mai productivi. In interiorul sau veti gasi tot felul de sunete ambientale pe care le puteti auzi in preajma sau in interiorul cafenelelor, aplicatia dandu-va posibilitatea de a le rula direct, sau de a le combina pentru a va ajuta sa deveniti mai productivi.

Where do you go to get real work done? The coffee shop of course. Based on research that shows ambient noise boosts creative thinking, the Coffitivity app streams the ambient sounds of a coffee shop right to your Apple device. 

With the app, you can:

  • Mix Coffitivity with iTunes*
  • Easily adjust the balance of Coffitivity and your music
  • Filter through multiple Coffitivity audio tracks to choose your ideal environment
  • Use Coffitivtiy on the go – even without access to the internet

That’s it! Enough noise to work right in the palm of your hand.

  Ca sa fiu sincer, nu stiu cat de real este tot ceea ce se prezinta in aplicatie, insa oricine o poate incerca, ea fiind disponibila in App Store in format universal.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Coffitivity, LLC
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: Where do you go to get real work done The coffee shop of course.

Based on research that shows ambient noise boosts creative thinking, the Coffitivity app streams the ambient sounds of a coffee shop right …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 83.0 Mb