OneKey Pro este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, iar cu ajutorul sau putem salva in iDevice-uri date importante pe care nu dorim sa le uitam. Mai exact, folosind aceasta aplicatie putem salva date de logare pe website-uri, parole pentru orice dorim noi, datele cartilor de credit sau a altor carduri importante si orice fel de alte informatii importante. Aplicatia este construita in baza unui sistem complex care ne ofera certitudinea ca datele noastre vor fi in siguranta, indiferent ce se intampla cu terminalul.
With OneKey, you don’t need to remember all the usernames, passwords, web addresses and those boring information in modern life. OneKey provides a safe and simple way to store and manage all your passwords and private information. It can save your credit card details, PINs, bank accounts, notes, web site logins…etc in a highly secure position.
OneKey uses 256bit AES encryption to protect your passwords, accounts, credit cards and more. You can trust that no one else will have access to your most important information.
OneKey Pro este in momentul de fata disponibila gratuit in App Store si daca aveati nevoie de o aplicatie de acest gen, ar fi bine sa o incercati.
OneKey Pro – Secure Password Manager & Private Data Vault to Lock Your Secrets Safe
Descriere: *** FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ***
With OneKey, you dont need to remember all the usernames, passwords, web addresses and those boring information in modern life. OneKey provides a safe and simple way to stor…