  XPasscode este, probabil, unul dintre cele mai complexe tweak-uri pentru iDevice-uri lansate vreodata. El are rolul de a inlocui sistemul clasic de deblocare a unui iPhone care are cod de siguranta setat, iar clipul video de mai sus explica totul. Practic in locul tastaturii clasice putem debloca terminalele apasand claviatura unui pian, tastele unui gamepad, ascultand o pisica cum miauna si nu doar atat. Ideea este de a oferi utilizatorilor noi moduri de a isi personaliza iDevice-urile, iar pana acum multa lume s-a aratat interesata de asa ceva.
XPasscode introduces a whole new level of customization in regards to unlocking your device. With XPasscode, anyone can create completly redesign the passcode entry. The possibilities are endless; want to have a playable piano with actual keyboard sounds? You can do that. Want to have a game controller that unlocks your phone with the konami code? You can do that. What’s unique about Xpasscode as opposed to other forms of theming is that you are no longer limited to the rigid 9-button scheme. You also have complete freedom regarding button placement, appearance, sounds, etc., and entry is no longer based on a strict single entry pass/fail system (this means you can push whatever buttons you like as much as you want, and the phone will still unlock whenever you push them in the correct order). So give it a try see what this powerful tool can do!
 Partea cu adevarat interesanta XPasscode este ca tweak-ul ne da posibilitatea de a ne genera singuri teme care sunt afisate in momentul deblocarii unui iDevice cu un passcode. In clip aveti demonstrata procedura care trebuie intreprinsa pentru generarea unei teme si practic doar imaginatia voastra va poate limita in ceea ce priveste posibilitatea de a genera teme. Ca sa fiu sincer, tweak-ul este dedicat celor care au rabdarea de a se juca cu toate functiile sale si de a genera teme, iar daca sunteti interesati de el, il puteti cumpara din Cydia la pretul de 2$, clientii Piano Passcode avand o reducere de 50%.
- iPad, iPhone and iPod support
- iOS 5 and 6
- Ability to mute, move, disable and more
- Set your code from within the settings app
- Includes 4 different themes
- Animated keypads
- Keypads with sound
- Full documentation on how to create your own theme
- A web applications to help making the theme (work in progress)
- A dedicated subreddit on www.reddit.com/r/xpasscode
- Themes downloadable from Cydia and many more places (There might not be many themes just when the tweak is released though)