Apple intentioneaza sa revanda iPhone-uri folosite in pietele aflate in curs de dezvoltare

  In cursul zilei de ieri au aparut informatii care indica faptul ca Apple urmeaza sa porneasca in SUA un program prin care sa le permita utilizatorilor sa-si schimbe iPhone-urile vechi cu altele noi platind o anumita suma. Practic utilizatorii care au credit de upgrade disponibil la un operator din SUA pot merge la un Apple Store pentru a schimba un iPhone vechi cu altul nou, compania Apple intentionand sa ofere inclusiv terminale iPhone 5S sau iPhone 5C prin acest program, insa doar de indata ce va avea destule unitati in stoc.

A customer brings a working, non-liquid-damaged iPhone into an Apple Retail Store. It’s then evaluated by an employee with the help of an online site that a customer can access using the store’s iMacs or iPads. The customer then answers a series of questions about the condition of the device in order to determine a value. That value can be used in credit for a new device but only if the customer has an upgrade credit available. So there is a carrier check involved. If a user does not have an upgrade credit, they could presumably pay the early termination fee of their carrier and use the credit towards a new device on another carrier.

  Pana acum totul seamana cu un sistem de trade-in clasic in care utilizatorul pierde bani oferind un iPhone la o valoare mai mica decat cea de piata, dar scapand de grija vanzarii sale online. Lucrurile se schimba daca luam in considerare intentiile celor de la Apple, deoarece compania planuieste

sa vanda vechile iPhone-uri la preturi mici in pietele aflate in curs de dezvoltare. Oferindu-le clientilor fara bani la preturi foarte mici este o miscare interesanta, insa numai in conditiile in care Apple le va comercializa ca si terminale refurbished si nu ca terminale noi.

Used iPhones collected in the U.S. will only be resold in emerging markets, where Apple’s share is lower and demand for cheap devices is greater, said one of the people. That way, the resale of Apple’s older models won’t cannibalize iPhone 5 sales in the U.S., the person said.

  Strategia celor de la Apple este interesanta si cel mai probabil va ajuta compania sa-si creasca substantial cota de piata in tarile sarace, insa succesul campaniei va avea legatura directa cu numaul de persoane dispuse sa isi schimbe terminalele vechi cu altele noi.

This post was last modified on aug. 27, 2013, 9:01 AM 09:01

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