HT Recorder este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, iar cu ajutorul ei putem inregistra rapid conversatii pe propriile tablete iPad. Practic puteti inregistra orice conversatii, care au loc in fata sau in vecinatatea voastra, aplicatia permitandu-ne sa modifica vocile in baza unor filtre predefinite. Separat de toate acestea, putem alege sa crestem viteza de redare a inregistrarii, putem alege sa sarim peste momentele in care nimeni nu vorbeste si desigurl ca exista o sumedenie de alte optiuni utile si interesante.
By the developer of Plutonium Recorder for Android: Record and edit conversations throughout a large room, even in situations where the people talking are located several feet away from the phone. Reinforces soft voices – even whispers. Ideal for college lectures, board meetings, and conferences, as well as dictation. Automatically skips silence during recording. Record and EDIT business meetings, lectures, and conferences. Awesome for students and business people. Captures sound at a distance. Run other apps (notes, E-mail) while recording in the background. Take notes in PAGES or NOTES while recording lectures or business meetings.
Bookmarking feature makes it easy to remember and replay important moments. Full CUT, COPY, TRIM, and PASTE audio editing. Overwrite capability makes it easy to correct dictation.
HT Recorder este disponibila gratuit pentru o perioada limitata de timp si daca va intereseaza, ar fi bine sa o descarcati.
HT Recorder for iPad
Descriere: By the developer of Plutonium Recorder for Android:
Record and edit conversations throughout a large room, even in situations where the people talking are located several feet away from the phone. Reinforces soft voices – even whispers. Ideal for colle…