AppRankChecker este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acestei zile in App Store, iar prin intermediul sau putem verifica rapid pozitionarea unei aplicatii din App Store, indiferent in ce tari este ea disponibila. Aplicatia este gandita pentru a afisa rapid data la care a fost lansata/actualizata aplicatia cautata de catre noi, insa si pozitia pe care o ocupa ea in cadrul diverselor categorii ale App Store-ului, sau tara/tarile in care este ea disponibila. Aplicatia are integrat un sistem care verifica automat serverele Apple pentru fiecare interogare si permite actualizarea rapida a informatiilor, astfel incat de fiecare data veti avea date “proaspete”
AppRankChecker is an iPhone application that allows you to track the general position and the position by category of any iPhone application you enter within the AppStore ranking. You can easily check how the application you entered is positioned within the AppStore ranking at any time: while you work, on the go, before going to sleep, etc. If you enter the rival applications as well, you can investigate how the competition is doing. This is a very useful application for producers, directors, engineers and designers who work in the iPhone business. To check the ranking, the application connects to the Apple RSS/API.
AppRankChecker este disponibila intr-o versiune compatibila cu iPhone/iPod Touch.
Descriere: AppRankChecker is an iPhone application that allows you to track the general position and the position by category of any iPhone application you enter within the AppStore ranking.
You can easily check how…
This post was last modified on sept. 2, 2013, 10:03 PM 22:03