Double Player este o aplicatie lansata luna trecuta in App Store, iar principala sa functie este de a ne permite sa ascultam simultan doua melodii pe iDevice-urile noastre. Aplicatia functioneaza cu ajutorul castilor oferite de catre Apple cu iPhone/iPod Touch-urile sale si ofera doua playere separate pentru rularea a cate unei melodii in fiecare dintre cele doua casti. Practic in casca stanga veti auzi melodia care ruleaza in playerul din stanga, iar in partea dreapta melodia care ruleaza in playerul din dreapta si astfel puteti imparti castile voastre cu oricine fara a va certa din cauza melodiilor.
Listen to two different songs on your headphones with your friends or your girlfriend. On the train, plane or bus??? You’re listening on your headphones and your girlfriend asks to listen too? This app is the solution to your problems. Give the other person an earphone, and you can both listen to your favourite tunes independently of one another with two innovative music players and fantastic graphics. Be a step ahead with your iPhone or iPod Touch!!!.
Double Player este disponibila gratuit doar astazi in App Store.
Double Player for Music with Headphones (Listen 2 songs simultaneously with headphones)
Descriere: Double Player is FREE today with AppGratis
Listen to two different songs on your headphones with your friends or your girlfriend.
On the train, plane or bus
Youre listening on your headphones and your gi…