Desi iOS 7 inca nu a fost lansat si nu avem o solutie de jailbreak pentru aceasta versiune a sistemului de operare, creatorul Cydia, saurik, a facut aseara un anunt care cu siguranta va intrista multi posesori de iDevice-uri. saurik sustine ca exista putine sanse ca Winterboard sa contina suport pentru iOS 7 in conditiile in care dezvoltatorii de teme pentru Cydia nu ii ofera informatii in legatura cu modul in care ar trebui sa se dezvolte platforma. Presupunand ca Winterboard ar putea fi configurata pentru a functiona cu iOS 7 si temele vor putea fi instalate, saurik sustine ca fara ajutorul dezvoltatorilor de teme, el nu are cum sa duca aplicatia la urmatorul nivel, sa implementeze functii de care utilizatorii au intr-adevar nevoie.
At this time, given that WinterBoard recieved no third-party help during all of iOS 6, I have very little hope in being able to support iOS 7. I need other people to tell me what to do to the engine: I am not a theme artist, I am just one of the few developers sympathetic to the needs of theme artists. However, I operate in a vacuum: theme artists don’t talk to me, and when they do they almost never talk about WinterBoard’s theme engine: instead, they complain about how their theme isn’t getting enough exposure in Cydia, or about some UI element. The closest was king_of_hill in April, but almost everything he wanted were complex feature requests (and the key ones were already taken care of by “use Cydget instead of WinterBoard to do what you are doing: WinterBoard isn’t designed for that”). What I need are concrete bug reports (with screenshots and exact filenames) and core theming help (such as information on artwork files, or “car files”, at the level of the loader). If iOS 7 is even themable at all, and assuming WinterBoard can’t already theme parts of it, it is likely that WinterBoard will never manage to support those components as I doubt seriously that after four years theme artists will start taking the engine seriously.
Practic saurik spune ca daca va reusi sa faca platforma functionala pe iOS 7, ea ar putea disparea doar pentru ca dezvoltatorii nu ii spun ce ar dori nou in ea pentru a o face mai buna, majoritatea dintre ei plangandu-se doar de faptul ca pachetele lor nu sunt vizibile in Cydia. Extrem de multi dezvoltatori de teme folosesc in continuare Winterboard, insa in lipsa acestei platforme, ei ar putea alege sa faca trecerea la Dreamboard, o platforma complexa care permite o personalizare mult mai buna a iDevice-urilor noastre.
Desi deocamdata saurik nu a luat o decizie finala in legatura cu viitorul Winterboard, in lipsa unui feedback din partea dezvoltatorilor, se pare ca iOS 7 ne-ar putea lasa fara un element extrem de important.
This post was last modified on sept. 7, 2013, 10:45 AM 10:45