ShrinkCam este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acestei zile in App Store, iar cu ajutorul ei putem reduce dimensiunea pozelor/filmelor din iDevice-urile noastre si implicit spatiul ocupat de catre ele in terminale. Daca va uitati la imaginea de mai sus, veti observa ca aplciatia ne ofera posibilitatea de a redimensiona orice poze/clip video folosind una dintre cele 4 dimensiuni standard gandite de catre dezvoltatori, acestea pastrand, intr-o anumita masura, intacta calitatea imaginii, dar si ratio-ul acestora.
Photos and videos can take up an enormous amount of space on your device, your hard drive, and even the cloud. If you’re looking for a simple solution to your space needs, then take a photo or video at any size you want using ShrinkCam! Where other apps will strip your photo’s metadata and timestamps, ShrinkCam preserves them and even gives you the option to easily turn off the GPS. ShrinkCam also helps you skip work-arounds. Your device allows you to send smaller sizes via email, but transferring images in this manner is time-consuming. Additionally, importing your images to your hard drive and then using software to resize them could affect the quality of the images, not to mention it’s a tedious solution.
ShrinkCam este disponibila intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.
Descriere: Photos and videos can take up an enormous amount of space on your device, your hard drive, and even the cloud. If you’re looking for a simple solution to your space needs, then take a photo or video at any…