BlackBerry Messenger pentru iOS va fi lansat saptamana aceasta

  Dupa nenumarate zvonuri legate de posibila data a lansarii BlackBerry Messenger pentru iDevice-uri, iata ca in aceasta seara cei de la Blackberry au anuntat oficial ca pe data de 22 septembrie aplicatia lor va fi disponibila in App Store. Prin intermediul acestei noi aplicatii, compania canadiana Blackberry urmeaza sa le ofere posesorilor de iDevice-uri posibilitatea de a accesa reteaua BlackBerry Messenger, una dintre cele mai populare retele prin intermediul careia utilizatorii pot partaja fisiere, face apeluri voce/video si purta conversatii text.

  • BBM Chat – Enjoy real, immediate conversations with friends on Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. Not only does BBM let you know that your message has been delivered and read, it also shows you that your friend is responding to the message.
  • More than chat – With BBM you can share files on your phone such as photos and voice notes, all in an instant.
  • Keep your group in the loop – Multi-person chats are a great way to invite contacts to chat together. BBM Groups lets you invite up to 30 friends to chat together, and go a step further than multi-chat by sharing photos and schedules. And, with Broadcast Message, you can send a message out to all your BBM contacts at once.
  • Post Updates and stay in the know – BBM lets you post a personal message, profile picture and your current status, and lets your contacts know instantly in Updates.
  • Your unique PIN – Every BBM user has a unique PIN that maintains your privacy, so you don’t have to give out your phone number or email address to a new or casual contact.

  Versiunea pentru iOS a Blackberry Messenger urmeaza sa ofere aproximativ aceeasi functionalitate precum versiunea pentru terminale BlackBerry, compania incercand sa ofere o experienta de utilizare cat se poate de asemanatoare pe toate platformele pe care aplicatiile sale vor fi disponibile.

This post was last modified on sept. 18, 2013, 10:02 PM 22:02

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