Procurorii din New York si San Francisco lauda noul Activation Lock al iOS 7

  iOS 7 Activaiton Lock este un nou sistem implementat de catre Apple pentru serviciul Find My iPhone, iar prin intermediul sau permite o securizare suplimentara a iDevice-urilor noastre. Mai exact, in momentul in care blocati un iDevice folosind noul Activation Lock, acel terminal nu va mai putea fi deblocat decat cu un cod de siguranta, iar in cazul introducerii gresite a acestuia de 3 ori sau in cazul efectuarii unui restore, terminalul nu va mai putea fi activat din nou decat daca este logat Apple ID-ul cu care s-a facut blocarea sa.

After months of pressure from a global coalition of elected officials and law enforcement agencies, we are pleased that Apple is set to release a new mobile operating system that includes a theft deterrent feature called Activation Lock. This is an important first step towards ending the global epidemic of smartphone theft. In the months ahead, it is our hope that Activation Lock will prove to be an effective deterrent to theft, and that the widespread use of this new system will end the victimization of iPhone users, as thieves learn that the devices have no value on the secondary market. We are particularly pleased that – because Activation Lock is a feature associated with Apple’s new operating system as opposed to a new device – it will be available to consumers with older phone models who download the free upgrade. 

  Practic un iDevice blocat cu Activation Lock nu va mai putea fi utilizat decat de proprietarul sau de drept, iar Apple

ar putea respinge schimbarea terminalelor aduse blocate in magazinele sale, lucru pe care nu il face acum. Implementarea acestui sistem se dovedeste a fi atat de buna, incat parchetele de pe langa instantele din New York si San Francisco au publicat un comunciat de presa comun prin care lauda initiativa celor de la Apple si eficitatea sistemului care va reduce substantial numarul de furturi ale iDevice-urilor.

  Daca acest lucru se va intampla sau nu, ramane de vazut, insa este clar ca sistemul este bun.

This post was last modified on sept. 19, 2013, 8:02 PM 20:02

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