90% dintre americanii care au achizitionat un iPhone 5S sau iPhone 5C au facut upgrade de la un alt terminal iPhone

  Analistii americani au facut o scurta si rapida analiza a primei zile de vanzari a iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C in SUA, iar rezultatele lor sunt cu adevarat surprinzatoare si foarte bune pentru Apple. Conform statisticilor lor, 90% dintre cei care au cumparat un iPhone 5S sau iPhone 5C au facut upgrade de la un model mai vechi al iPhone, procentajul fiind cu 7% mai mare decat anul trecut si cu 17% mai mare decat acum doi ani. Acest lucru demonstreaza cat de mare este loialitatea in randul posesorilor de iPhone-uri, ea crescand in mod constant de la an la an.

  • 90% of iPhone 5S/5C buyers were upgrading from another version of the iPhone compared to 83% for the iPhone 5 launch and 73% for the iPhone 4S. We note that given the relative maturity of the smartphone market in the US, it is not surprising to see that a majority of iPhone 5S/5C buyers were current iPhone users. We believe that the high level of iPhone users upgrading to the new 5S or 5C demonstrates continued high loyalty levels among iPhone users.
  • 36% upgraded from the iPhone 5 (i.e. upgraded from the most recent phone) vs 26% upgrading from the 4S during last years iPhone 5 launch. Our take is that the increasing percentage of iPhone users upgrading from the most recent device shows that Apple loyalists remain committed to the Apple platform.

  Mai mult decat atat, 36% dintre upgrade-uri au fost de la iPhone 5S, cu 10% mai multe decat ce s-a inregistrat anul trecut cand utilizatorii au renuntat la iPhone 4S, semn ca posesorii high-end-ului de anul trecut au fost mult mai interesati de high-end-ul nou decat anul trecut. In ceea ce priveste capacitatea de stocare, s-a notat o crestere cu 3.1 GB a mediei, semn ca utilizatorii isi doresc terminale cu mai mult spatiu de stocare. In final aflam ca 72% dintre cei care au cumparat un iPhone 5S sau iPhone 5C detin o tableta iPad, cifra fiind cu 9% mai mare decat anul trecut.

  • In terms of storage, average capacity was 34.5GB vs 31.4GB for the iPhone 5. We note that the iPhone 5C is only offered in 16 and 32GB versions, which may have impacted the overall average capacity numbers for the launch. Overall, based on the breakdown between capacity levels, we remain comfortable with our ASP assumption of a slight rebound from the newer products in September followed by a gradual decline into th e $560-570 range in CY14.
  • 72% of iPhone 5S/5C customers owned iPads compared to 63% last year.
  • Interest in iPad remains at similar levels to last year. 46% of those customers surveyed suggested that they planned on buying a new iPad over the next 12 months, which compares to 34% last year.
  • Of those consumers expecting to purchase an iPad over the next 12 months, 53% were interested in buying an iPad Mini and 47% in the full-sized iPad.

  Practic Apple are clienti din ce in ce mai loiali care doresc mai mult spatiu de stocare si sunt interesati din ce in ce mai mult de iPhone-uri, desi detin o tableta iPad.

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