Tim Cook vorbeste despre importanta Touch ID, razboiul cu Google si fragmentarea Android

  Inainte de a intra in randul utilizatorilor Twitter, Tim Cook a dat un interviu celor de la Businessweek impreuna cu Jony Ive si Craig Federighi. O parte a acestui interviu a fost publicata saptamana aceasta si v-am prezentat in acest articol lucrurile importante, insa in cursul seriio Bloomberg a publicat si restul interviului. Pentru inceput, Tim Cook discuta despre Touch ID, noul sistem al iPhone 5S care ne permite sa inregistram amprente pentru a debloca terminalele si a efectua plati. Cook sustine ca ideea de a plati folosind iPhone 5S este cel mai importanta aspect al intregului serviciu, CEO-ul sustinand ca acesta este viitorul si vorbim totusi despre o functie cool.

You know, the first time that you buy something with your finger, it’s pretty profound. It’s one thing to use it as security. This is really cool, and a lot of people will love it, because they open their phone multiple times a day. But the buying is even a more startling experience, in a way. And somebody thought through the wallpaper. Wouldn’t it be great if it was like you were putting on your shirt and your pants, and they actually matched or made some sense with each other? You know? Technology companies don’t think of those things, or, usual technology companies don’t think of those things. Nobody worries about buttons and finishes. Nobody really worries about the experience, and we do. We’re really proud that we do.

  Mergand mai departe, Tim Cook afirma ca iPhone 5C nu a fost gandit pentru a creste cota de piata a Apple sau a acoperi un segment al telefoanelor ieftine, ci pentru a oferi consumatorilor mai multe optiuni in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea de terminale iPhone. Vorbind despre procesul de creare al iPhone 5C si iOS 7, Tim Cook se concentreaza pe wallpaper-urile noi, spunand ca ele si carcasele iPhone-urilor au fost gandite in ideea de a le oferi oamenilor posibilitatea de a potrivi culoarea iOS/iPhone-ului cu imbracamintea, deci practic vorbim despre iPhone ca un accesorii vestimentar.

For smartphones, I think it’s even more a two-operating-system world today than it was before. Maybe that changes. Maybe it doesn’t, but that is the state of things today. I think that Android is more fragmented than ever and, as a result, when you look at things like customer satisfaction and usage, you see the gap between Android and iOS being huge. Yes. And it’s just not growing in the—it’s not like a baby that becomes an infant. It’s not like that. It’s an exponential. It’s a compounding problem. And think about all these people that they’re leaving behind from a customer point of view. People do hold on. Most people hold on to their phones a couple of years. They enter a contract and honor that contract and then upgrade after that two-year period. So in essence, by the time they buy the phone, many of these operating systems are old. They’re not the latest ones by the time people buy. And so by the time they exit, they’re using an operating system that’s three or four years old. That would be like me right now having in my pocket iOS 3. I can’t imagine it.

  In ceea ce priveste razboil cu Google, Cook sustine ca in momentul de fata piata este dominata de catre Apple si Google, acestea fiind singurele companii care conteaza, restul incercand timid sa intre in lupta, insa Google este principalul competitor al Apple pe piata smartphone-urilor. Cook crede ca Android-ul este acum mai fragmentat ca oricand, acest lucru afectand atat nivelul de satisfactie al consumatorilor, cat si experienta de utilizare. Principala problema, in opinia lui Cook, este ca producatorii de terminale Android nu le ofera oamenilor, la timp, upgrade-uri la cele mai recente versiuni ale Android OS, iar daca utilizatorii tin un telefon pentru mai mult de un an de zile, ajung sa detina o versiune veche a sistemului de operare, fara beneficiile pe care utiizatorii noi le au, iar Google nu poate rezolva deocamdata aceasta problema.

  Daca doriti informatii suplimentare, le gasiti in interviul celor de la Bloomberg.