Iata de ce stau la coada clientii Apple pentru a achizitiona iPhone-uri (Video)

  Intr-un clip video publicat in cursul acesti weekend, cineva a incercat sa prezinte lumii intregi fata nevazuta a cozilor din fata magazinelor Apple si pe persoanele care le formeaza. In clip veti vedea marturii ale celor care au asteptat mai bine de o zi si o noapte sa achizitioneze un iPhone 5S

sau un iPhone 5C, majoritatea dintre ei fiind platiti sa faca acest lucru de catre alte persoane. Unii au chiar rude care lucreaza in cadrul companiei Apple, sau pentru Apple, insa asta nu i-a oprit din a trece prin aceasta experienta.

I waited in line for 10 hours for the first iPhone, also waited in line, outside the mall, in 1999 for the Sega Dreamcast. it’s like tailgating. being excited about something and letting that excitement grow along side similarly minded people. when i went out for the 5S launch i found a lot of that excitement and enthusiasm but i also found a lot of tired anxious people who were waiting in line for reasons other than their own desire for a product. that was a little bothersome. the scene at the apple store just before the phones release was also a sight i’d never experienced. beyond excitement it was closer to hysteria. encouraged by hundreds of equally hysterical employees in blue shirts. at the peak of that hysteria i stopped and reminded myself what the impetus was for all of this; a new phone. that warranted a head shake and an eye roll. it’s fun to get excited about something, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. i went to the superbowl once and when the patriots lost my best friend started crying. i can understand sleeping on the street for a new toy more than i can crying over a professional sports game.. it takes all kinds i suppose.

This post was last modified on sept. 23, 2013, 8:27 AM 08:27

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