iOS 7 Redesign Theme intentioneaza a fi o versiune imbunatatita a UI-ului iOS 7

  iOS 7 Redesign Theme este o tema lansata in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, ea dorindu-se a fi o versiune imbunatatita a design-ului conceput de catre compania Apple pentru iOS 7. Tema este gandita pentru a modifica interfata aplicatiilor native ale iDevice-urilor noastre, insa in acelasi timp modifica icontele acestora, plus o parte dintre iconitele aplicatiilor terte disponibile deja in App Store

. Tema poate fi aplicata cu ajutorul aplicatiei Winterboard si este compatibila cu tweak-ul MiniPlayer.

Including over 50+ themed icons, and more soon to be added! This theme themes the stock Apps as well as many popular third party apps. This theme is based on iOS 7 and will function/look better if used with Pw5a29’s iOS 7 theme (free) on cydia. Make sure when enabling iOS 7 redesign to drag it to the top of the list in winterboard. If you have purchased the MiniPlayer tweak you can also download my iOS 7 miniplayer theme (free) to go with this theme.

  iOS 7 Redesign Theme este disponibila gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on sept. 27, 2013, 9:43 AM 09:43

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