Mail Pilot – o aplicatie complexa si foarte utila pentru administrarea conturilor de email

  Mail Pilot este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, ea fiind gandita special pentru cei care nu sunt multumiti de aplicatia Mail si doresc o aplicatie profesionala prin intermediul careia sa isi administreze conturile de email. Mail Pilot este comaptibila cu iOS 7, are o interfata intuitiva, este compatibila cu majoritatea sistemelor de email disponibile pentru utilizatori, este capabila sa trimita notificari push catre noi folosind un sistem proprietar, are integrata o lista to-do pentru task-uri si contine metode simple de administrare a email-urilor.

Experience intuitive email with a simple, task-oriented approach. Quickly manage and productively organize your Inbox with Mail Pilot for iPhone + iPad. When you’re done with a message, simply change its status from Incomplete to Complete, just like a to-do list. Gone are the days of tricking your email client by toggling read/unread. Set a reminder for a message and Mail Pilot will prompt you when it’s time to deal with it. Free your inbox of messages you can’t yet tackle and never miss a due date again. Add all of your Google, iCloud, Yahoo!, AOL, or standard IMAP email accounts. Mail Pilot remains securely synchronized with your email servers and other clients.

  • Mail Pilot complements any workflow and empowers you to become better organized.
  • Organize based on message status- as Incomplete, Complete or set for Reminder.
  • Collect groups of related messages- across all of your accounts using Lists. 
  • Easily achieve Inbox Zero.- Set Aside messages that can’t be organized immediately and drill through them when you have more time.
  • Existing folders and labels- can be accessed and utilized anytime.

  Mail Pilot este disponibila in format universal in App Store-ul companiei Apple.

Pretul initial:
Mail Pilot



Developer: Mindsense LLC
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: Experience intuitive email with a simple, task-oriented approach. Quickly manage and productively organize your Inbox with Mail Pilot for iPhone + iPad.

-Mail Pilot is a superb mail client -CBS MoneyWatch…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 14.6 Mb

This post was last modified on sept. 27, 2013, 12:33 PM 12:33

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