FindMyDevice este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, rolul sau fiind de a completa functionalitatea oferita in mod normal de catre sistemul Find My iPhone al celor de la Apple. Pentru ca sistemul este imperfect si nu ajuta intotdeauna la recuperarea terminalelor, acest tweak implementeaza: posibilitatea de a proteja cu parola inchiderea iDevice-ului, posibilitatea de a impiedica inlocuirea cartelei, posibilitatea de a activa automat serviciile de localizare, posibilitatea de a activa/dezactiva Notifications Center sau Spotlight-ul, posibilitatea de a scunde aplicatii, totul fiind automat activat in momentul in care actionati o comanda prin servicil Find My iPhone
.When you lose your device or it’s stolen, the first thing you want to do is to locate the device, so what you should do? You enter and enter Find My iPhone to locate your lost/stolen device. Usually it won’t help you, because the thief will power off your device, or the location services are off (because you’ve turned it off in order to save battery power or the thief will turn them off).
Using FindMyDevice you can:
- Protect the power off slider with your own password.
- Protect SIM card replacement
- Turn the location services on.
- Enable/Disable notifications center.
- Enable/Disable SpotLight/Search.
- Show/Hide applications.
- If the location services are switched off manually, they will be switched to ON automatically.
Practic sistemul FindMyDevice este special gandit pentru a face iDevice-urile noastre aproape imposibil de furat, tweak-ul activandu-se in momentul in care trimiteti prin Find My iPhone o comanda pentru a rula un anumit sunet in terminal. Tweak-ul este disponibil la pretul de 2$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia si este compatibil cu toate iDevice-urile, el fiind usor de administrat prin intermediul unui meniu de setari.
This post was last modified on sept. 28, 2013, 2:53 PM 14:53