While iPhone 5s is very likely to be launched in the Taiwan market in late October or mid-November, local telecom carriers including Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Far EasTone Telecommunications seem to be less enthusiastic about marketing the iPhone 5s compared with previous Apple products, according to sources in the local retail channels. Due to a lack of new features available on iPhone 5s compared to the previous iPhone 5, as well as a variety of new models from other vendors, local carriers are not hurry to sign purchase deals with Apple, said the sources. Local carriers are also reportedly reluctant to increase their subsidies for contract-bundle sales of iPhone 5s, and instead, they are asking Apple for better terms for the purchases of iPhone 5s, added the sources.
In afara afirmatiilor privind lipsa unor functii extraordinare, operatorii de telefonie mobila nu mai sunt la fel de dispusi sa subventioneze preturile terminalelor, cerand in schimb reducerea preturilor de achizitie de la Apple. Desigur ca in final tot Apple va obtine ceea ce isi doreste, multi operatori care au refuzat sa comercializeze iPhone-uri ajungand in final sa piarda o baza solita de clienti si fiind nevoiti sa accepte conditiile Apple. Desi compania americana nu ofera conditii chiar atat de grozave pentru operatori, popularitatea terminalelor lor ii forteaza pe acestea sa le achizitioneze, riscand altfel sa piarda sume serioase de bani pe termen lung.
This post was last modified on oct. 1, 2013, 7:31 PM 19:31