Machines at War 3 – un nou joc de strategie interesant pentru platforma iOS

  Machines at War 3 este un nou RTS interesant pentru platforma iOS a companiei Apple, el fiind lansat in cursul zilei de ieri in App Store. Fiind un joc de strategie in care trebuie sa controlati o armata in timp real, Machines at War 3 ofera un gameplay atractiv si dinamic, perfect pentru fanii acestui tip de titluri. In joc veti gasi 130 de tipuri diferite de unitati si tehnologii, 21 de misiuni de tip campanie care le veti desfasura in baza povestii catorva personaje concepute de catre dezvoltatori, insa veti avea desigur si posibilitatea de a va provoca prietenii in sesiuni multiplayer si nu doar atat.

The creators of the mega hit real time strategy game Land Air Sea Warfare bring you their newest heart pounding action packed RTS, Machines at War 3. Featuring over 130 different types of units and technologies, 21 campaign missions with characters and full story, network multiplayer to challenge your friends, and so much more! It reminds many real time strategy gamers of command and conquer, starfront, and has similar game play elements as autumn dynasty, modern war, and war of nations. 

The missing scientists, known as the Omicron Initiative, are responsible for developing new technologies. The only clue to their disappearance is a mysterious text message reading “we were forced to do it”. The team’s disappearance threatens the secrecy of it’s research, which could potentially put your country into a chaotic panic. Now there’s only one person who can rescue the Omicron Initiative and protect its secret technology from falling into the wrong hands. In 21 missions you’ll race across the world to find out who, or what, is responsible for the team’s disappearance. You’ll command and conquer over 130 different types of units ranging from infantry and ships to giant modern mega units.

  Dupa cum spun si creatorii titlului, acesta ne aduce, intr-o anumita masura, aminte de seria Command & Conquer a celor de la EA Games, deci veti avea un titlu mai mult decat interesant pentru utilizare. Machines at War 3 este disponibil in format universal in App Store la un pret decent.

Pretul initial:
Machines at War 3



Developer: Isotope 244 Graph…
Categoria: Games

Descriere: The creators of the mega hit real time strategy game Land Air Sea Warfare bring you their newest heart pounding action packed RTS, Machines at War 3. Featuring over 130 different types of units and technologies, 21 campaign missions with characters and f…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 124.8 Mb

This post was last modified on oct. 3, 2013, 8:35 AM 08:35

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