In cursul zilei de ieri tot internetul a aflat ca Apple a achizitionat Cue, o aplicatie care avea rolul de a fi un asistent personal pentru toti cei interesati. Cheltuind intre 50 si 60 de milioane de dolari pentru compania care a dezvoltat tehnologia din spatele Cue, Apple intentioneaza sa ii implementeze functionalitatea in asistentul personal Siri disponibil in iOS 7. Cue reprezinta o combinatie dintre Google Now, Siri si Today View-ul din iOS 7, aplicatia analizand legaturile utilizatorilor din retelele de socializare si intrarile din calendar pentru a genera un program zilnic personalizat.
Cue takes all that info and puts it into a scheduled format. For example, if you’re attending a Facebook event, it’ll show it in your day, give you a link to map the location, and give you the contact information of the person planning it. If you have an event on your calendar, it’ll search your email for related emails on the subject and make them accessible right from there, along with the contact cards of the people you emailed with (seriously, it’s genius the way it figures these things out). It’ll scan your email and recognize package delivery dates, concert tickets, airline reservations, and more. All you need to do is scroll through your day to see all the relevant information you could possibly need.
Avand in vedere modul in care functioneaza aplicatia, nu e greu de crezut ca in iOS 8 sau iOS 9 am putea avea exact acelasi lucru in Notifications Center-ul din iOS, sau chiar in Siri, Apple cautand sa implementeze in sistemul sau de operare functii prezente in Google Now-ul din Android OS.
This post was last modified on oct. 4, 2013, 8:28 PM 20:28