Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition pentru iPad este disponibil la pret redus in App Store (Video)

  Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition este o versiune pentru iPad a celebrului joc Baldur’s Gate, el fiind lansat cu multe luni in urma in App Store-ul companiei Apple. V-am vorbit in acest articol despre tot ceea ce aduce aceasta versiune a titlului, iar astazi va anunt ca dezvoltatorii sau au decis sa il ofere la pret redus in urmatoarele saptamani pentru toti cei interesati, jocul fiind actualizat in diverse ocazii cu item-uri, imbunatatiri ale gameplay-ului si introducerea unor noi zone care pot fi explorate de catre utilizatori.

Play the Legend: This classic saga of mystery, intrigue, and adventure has set the standard for Dungeons & Dragons™ computer role-playing games ever since. Now, upgraded and enhanced, it comes to your iPad. We recommend iPad 2 and better. iOS 5.1 support. The game may function on iPad1, but memory is very tight.

  • 80 hours of Epic RPG adventure
  • Over 40 classes and kits
  • Over 100 spells
  • over 150 magical items
  • New adventure: The Black Pits, a thrilling combat adventure 
  • New character: Rasaad yn Bashir, a Calishite Monk searching for answers.
  • New character for purchase: Dorn Il-Khan, a half-orc blackguard with a history of violence.
  • New character for purchase: Neera the Wild Mage, a half-elf on a quest to control her powerful magic.

  Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition este disponibil in App Store

intr-un format compatibil doar cu tabletele iPad.

Pretul initial:
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition



Developer: IdeaSpark Labs Inc.
 iPad Only
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Play the Legend:
This classic saga of mystery, intrigue, and adventure has set the standard for Dungeons & Dragons computer role-playing games ever since.

Now, upgraded and enhanced, it comes to your iPad.

We recommend iPad 2 and better. iOS 5.1 suppor…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 1698.2 Mb

This post was last modified on oct. 5, 2013, 9:29 AM 09:29

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