  Fieldrunners 2 a fost lansat la jumatatea anului trecut in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar la acea vreme parea a fi unul dintre cele mai bune tower defense-uri disponibile in el. Titlul este un tower defense destul de diferit de ceea ce multi dintre voi stiau in legatura cu aceste jocuri, iar eu unul am fost extrem de placut impresionat de ceea ce au facut dezvoltatorii cu el si am pierdut multe, multe ore incercand sa termin misiunile concepute pentru el, insa din pacate n-am reusit sa duc totul la indeplinire.
The fieldrunners are back! With legions of soldiers and a gaggle of new tricks, they’re ready to conquer the globe. Or so they think! Our top scientists at SubaLabs have built a bleeding-edge arsenal of devastating weapons for any heroes willing to stop these dastardly invaders. Help your people by taking action – DEFEND THE WORLD!Â
Strategic-Action-Puzzle-Defense has never been this fun and addicting! Defend your world from the invasion by building winding paths out of imaginative, new weapons. Call in airstrikes and set explosive traps to hit the enemies where it hurts. Over 20 new levels span the grassiest fields, driest deserts, sparkling cities, and even an infernal volcano lair! Challenge your mind with the exciting new gameplay styles in Puzzle, Sudden Death, and Time Trial levels. Are you ready to stop the fieldrunners once and for all? Join the defense, now!
 In speranta ca voi va veti descurca mult mai bine in distrugerea monstrilor conceputi de catre dezvoltatori, va anunt ca Fieldrunners 2 este disponibil la pret redus in perioada urmatoare si va recomand cu caldura sa il incercati.
Fieldrunners 2
Descriere: **Now on sale for the 5 Year Anniversary of Fieldrunners!**
–NOW SUPPORTING iPhone 5, 5S, 5C and iOS 7–
–Fieldrunners 2 was named one of Metacritic’s top reviewed iOS games of 2012!!–
Get ready to DEFEND THE WORLD! The biggest sequel in tower defen…
Fieldrunners 2 HD
Descriere: **Now on sale for the 5 Year Anniversary of Fieldrunners!**
Get ready to DEFEND THE WORLD in HD! The biggest sequel in tower defense history is now on iPad: Fieldrunners 2 HD has arrived! From Subato…