In its look at hundreds of millions of app launches since the debut of the latest iPhones, Crittercism says programs crash about 2 percent on the iPhone 5s as compared to just under 1 percent on both the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5. Levy said that perhaps the reason that the iPhone 5s is seeing more crashes than the equally new iPhone 5c is that, while developers were able to check their apps for compatibility with iOS 7 during several months of beta testing, the new hardware wasn’t available ahead of time. The iPhone 5s packs a new 64-bit A7 chip and an M7 coprocessor, while the 5c is nearly identical internally to the iPhone 5.
Principala problema pe care o au aplicatiile cu acest terminal are legatura cu noul chip A7 de 64 de biti. Dezvoltatorii au avut ocazia de a testa iOS 7 inaintea lansarii oficiale, insa nu au putut testa si hardware-ul terminalului, asa ca aplicatiile ar avea probleme cu el. Desigur ca asta nu explica de ce se inchid singure si aplicatiile native sau cele actualizate pentru hardware-ul de 64 de biti, insa rata de crash este oricum foarte mica, asa ca nu ar trebui sa fiti deranjati extrem de tare.