World of Goo sste unul dintre cele mai populare jocuri ale App Store-ului, fiind laudat atat de catre utilizatorii care l-au instalat, cat si de catre website-urile specializate pe review-urile acestui tip de jocuri. Gameplay-ul se rezuma la posibilitatea de a explora milioane de goo balls pe care dezvoltatorii le-au conceput pentru noi, dar si de aconstrui diverse structuri cu ajutorul lor, poduri, zeppeline sau limbi uriase fiind printre elementele gandite de catre dezvoltatori.
World of Goo is MetaCritic’s highest ranked game OF ALL TIME, with a score of 98! Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years. IMPORTANT: This is a big game, and requires an iPhone 3GS or newer or a 3rd gen iPod Touch or newer. It must be downloaded over a Wi-Fi connection. Beautiful and surprising, the millions of Goo Balls who live in the World of Goo are curious to explore – but they don’t know that they are in a game, or that they are extremely delicious.
This is the FULL award winning game, now on iPhone and iPod Touch. Drag and drop living, squirming, talking, globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues. Mysterious Levels – Each level is strange and dangerously beautiful, introducing new puzzles, areas, and the creatures that live in them. World of Goo Balls – Along the way, undiscovered new species of Goo Ball, each with unique abilities, come together to ooze through reluctant tales of discovery, love, conspiracy, beauty, electric power, and the third dimension.
World of Goo este disponibila la pret redus in perioada urmatoare si ar fi bine sa profitati de ocazie.
World of Goo HD