V-am prezentat dimineata prima aplicatie aleasa de catre Apple pentru promovarea in cadrul sectiunii Editor’s Choice, iar acum vine randul celei de-a doua sa ajunga in fata ochilor vostri. Type:Rider este denumirea aplicatiei promovate de catre Apple in cadrul acestei sectiuni si vorbim despre primul joc dezvoltat de catre Canalul TV Cultural European. Gameplay-ul are in centru doua puncte pe care trebuie sa le ajutati sa traverseze prin veacuri de istorie tipografica, de la picturile rupestre facute acum mii de ani si pana la pixel art-ul anilor 2000.
The European cultural TV channel Arte innovates and launches its first video game ! Immerse yourself in this fascinating and unique experience to uncover the history and secrets of Fonts & Characters ! Play as 2 dots and travel through the ages of typographic styles and techniques. From the rock paintings of prehistoric times to Pixel art of the 2000’s, solve all the riddles by riding the most popular fonts and characters (Garamond, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Pixel, Comic Sans…) in a very captivating musical and visual environment.
Type:Rider is an adventure puzzle game produced by AGAT – EX NIHILO and ARTE that brings gaming experience to a whole new daring level. Features:
- 10 worlds echoing key periods of the typograhy’s history
- Breath-taking artworks and musical vibes
- Immersive and intriguing atmosphere
- 3 types of controls: accelerometer, buttons and intuitive
- Great historical archives and paintings
Type:Rider este conceput sub forma unui puzzle game si va trebui sa rezolvati fiecare puzzle pentru a avansa la nivelul urmator, deci veti avea destula treaba. Type:Rider
este disponibil in format universal in App Store.
Descriere: / ! IMPORTANT NOTE / !
Compatible with iPad 2 and up, iPhone 4 and up and iPod touch 5th generation WILL NOT RUN ON EARLIER DEVICES.
If you encounter performance issues, please reduce the quality of…
This post was last modified on oct. 12, 2013, 12:42 PM 12:42