Tim Cook vorbeste despre angajarea CEO-ului Burberry in functia de SVP al diviziei retail din cadrul Apple

  V-am spus in cursul acestei dimineti ca Apple a angajat-o pe Angela Ahrendts, fostul CEO Burberry, in functia de SVP al diviziei retail. Practic Angela Ahrendts va conduce incepand din perioada urmatoare intregul lant de magazine al companiei Apple(inclusiv magazinul online), iar Tim Cook a trimis un email angajatilor companiei vorbind despre schimbarile care au loc. Tim Cook sustine ca a fost impresionat de Ahrendts dupa fiecare intalnire avuta cu ea, sustine ca ea crede in aceleasi valori precum ceilalti membri ai echipei de conducere, iar angajarea sa ar trebui sa imbunatateasca experienta de achizitionare a produselor din magazinul Apple.

  Avand in vedere ca Ahrendts a condus pana acum un retariler de lux, la Apple va incerca, cel mai probabil sa puna un accent mai mare pe valoarea brand-ului Apple si sa atraga mai multi consumatori folosindu-se de puterea sa. Apple nu este un brand de lux, este un brand premium si de cele mai multei ori consumatorii achizitioneaza produsele companiei americane tocmai din acest motiv, asa ca angajarea unui lider precum fostul CEO Burberry pare a fi o decizie foarte buna.


I am thrilled to announce that Angela Ahrendts will be joining Apple as a senior vice president and member of our executive team, reporting directly to me. Angela is currently the CEO of Burberry.

She will lead both our retail and online teams. I have wanted one person to lead both of these teams for some time because I believe it will better serve our customers, but I had never met anyone whom I felt confident could lead both until I met Angela. We met for the first time last January, and I knew in that meeting that I wanted her to join Apple. We’ve gotten to know each other over the past several months and I’ve left each conversation even more impressed.

She shares our values and our focus on innovation. She places the same strong emphasis as we do on the customer experience. She cares deeply about people and embraces our view that our most important resource and our soul is our people. She believes in enriching the lives of others and she is wicked smart. Angela has shown herself to be an extraordinary leader throughout her career and has a proven track record. She led Burberry through a period of phenomenal growth with a focus on brand, culture, core values and the power of positive energy.

Angela will need to focus over the coming months on transitioning her current role at Burberry and will then join Apple in the spring. I am sure as all of you meet her, you will see why I am so excited that she is joining our executive team. I’d like to add a special thanks to all of our retail leaders. Your strength, talent and leadership afforded me the luxury of taking the time to perform an exhaustive search to find the best person in the world for this role.


This post was last modified on oct. 15, 2013, 5:54 PM 17:54

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