SilencePlease este un nou tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar el are rolul de a rezolva problema notificarilor care ne intrerup activitatea sau pur si simplu ne enerveaza. Cu ajutorul unui meniu de setari disponibil in aplicatia Settings a iOS, tweak-ul ne da posibilitatea de a dezactiva vibrarea sau sunetele notificarilor trimise: de catre aceeasi aplicatie la intervale de timp prea scurte, ne permite sa dezactivam rularea notificarilor in timpul apelurilor telefonice sau FaceTime si cam atat.
Have you ever been annoyed by the sound of a push notification in your ear during a phone call? Or during a FaceTime call? Or what about when you get a lot of texts in a row and your phone keeps vibrating in your hand? SilencePlease fixes all of that by giving you the option to silence notifications or disable their vibration during phone calls, FaceTime calls, and for repeated notifications from the same app (or text message sender). You can disable sound and vibration separately for each situation, and you can specify the time interval for repeated notifications.
SilencePlease este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.