iPad Air – iata costurile de productie ale noii tablete

  Desi tableta iPad Air abia a fost lansata pe piata si are componente mult mai bune si mai puternice decat cele implementate in iPad 3, costul de productie al noii tablete este mai mic decat cel al modelului lansat in primavara anului 2012. iPad Air are un cost de productie situat intre 274$  si 361$, in functie de model, costul versiunii de baza a noii tablete fiind cu 42$ mai mic decat cel al iPad 3 si vorbim despre o diferenta extrem de mare, in conditiile in care noile componente sunt mai avansate din punct de vedere tehnologic.

In the latest of its teardown analysis reports obtained by AllThingsD, the firm says Apple’s iPad Air costs between $274 and $361 to build depending on model. But even with a more expensive display the total component cost of the base model, at $274, is still $42 cheaper than the entry-level third-generation iPad. That’s because not much else inside the iPad has changed drastically since then. The biggest changes he said were with the display and touchscreen assembly. For one thing, it’s thinner and has fewer layers in the combined assembly than in previous models. But at an estimated combined cost of $133 (About $90 for the display and $43 for the touchscreen parts.) it’s a lot more expensive than before, he says. 

  Cel mai scump ansamblu de componente implica Retina Display-ul, ecranul tabletei si componentele pentru touchscreen avand un cost cumulat de 133$, mult mai mare decat cel al vechilor modele ale tabletei. Apple foloseste un nou tip de senzor pentru touchscreen, care este cu 0.53mm mai subtire decat cel utilizat in tabletele anterioare, insa Apple utilizeaza un singur LED pentru iluminare, lumina fiind difuzata pe intregul ecran cu ajutorul unor fasii foarte subtiri de folie optica asezata deasupra ecranului.

Yes, there’s a new Apple chip, the A7, but at an estimated cost to Apple of $18 (Samsung still manufacturers it for Apple under contract), it costs five dollars less per unit than the A5 processor did 18 months ago.  Other suppliers include Qualcomm, which provided cellular data network chips at a cost of $32 for the four models that are LTE-ready. Elpida, a unit of Idaho-based Micron Technology was spotted as the supplier of the DRAM memory chips in the unit IHS examined… adding about $10 to the component cost. Similarly, IHS found Toshiba-made flash memory chips in its teardown specimen. Depending on the model, flash chips account for between $9 and $60 of the component cost.

  Revenind la costul componentelor, chip-ul A7 din iPad Air costa 18$, cu 5$ mai putin decat cel implementat in iPad 3, inca 32$ fiind cheltuiti pentru chip-urile care permit conectarea la retelele GSM. In final aflam si ca acel 1 GB RAM DDR3 adauga 10$ la costul total al componentelor, in timp ce mediile de stocare flash au preturi cuprinse intre 9$ si 60$ in functie de capacitate, cel de 16 GB costa 9$ si cel de 128 GB avand un pret de 60$, foarte mic in comparatie cu cele de pe piata.

  Concluzionand, Apple are o marja de cost de 45% in cazul tabletelor iPad Air e 16 GB si de 61% in cazul versiunii de 128GB, deci in cazul modelelor de capacitate mare, Apple ramane cu mai mult de jumatate din banii pe care clientii ii platesc pentru produse.