The Shadow Sun – un nou RPG inedit pentru platforma iOS (Video)

  The Shadow Sun este denumirea unui nou RPG conceput pentru platforma iOS a celor de la Apple, iar in clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat gameplay-ul pe care il veti experimenta. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja, jocul este conceput avand la baza un motor grafic destul de avansat pentru platforma iOS, insa desigur ca gameplay-ul primeaza. Uitandu-va la prezentarea facuta in clip veti realiza ca western RPG-ul va transporta intr-o lume fantastica in care aveti rolul de a proteja un oras de armata care incearca sa il cucereasca. Presarat cu o poveste ce are in centru magia si capacitatea voastra de a castiga batalii, jocurl va va tine ocupati timp de cateva ore bune pentru a va indeplini obiectivele.

Ossian Studios is proud to present The Shadow Sun official trailer, which gives the first exclusive peek at gameplay in this groundbreaking new iOS Western RPG. Set in a brand new, dark fantasy world developed by Ossian Studios, The Shadow Sun combines everything the team has learned from previously working on the Dungeons & Dragons and Witcher franchises, and is produced by a former BioWare producer for the Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights games. To all iOS RPG gamers – this is the deep, story-driven RPG you’ve been waiting for!

  Fiind dezvoltat de catre creatorii Dungeons & Dragons, Neverwinter Nights si Baldur’s GateThe Shadow Sun combina toata experienta castigata de catre dezvoltatori de-a lungul anilor si probabil va deveni rapid extrem de popular, insa deocamdata nu stim cand va fi disponibil in App Store.

This post was last modified on nov. 12, 2013, 11:07 PM 23:07

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