InstaSign Pro te ajuta sa-ti aplici semnatura peste documente si nu numai

  InstaSign Pro este o aplicatie lansata in cursul noptii trecute in App Store, iar cu ajutorul sau veti putea aplica propria semnatura peste poze sau chiar documentele disponibile in iDevice-urile voastre. Conform descrierii, aplicatia ne da posibilitatea de a fotografia o semnatura facuta pe o foaie de hartie, algorimtii sai procesand-o, stocand-o in aplicatie si transpunand-o mai apoi peste poze sau documente. Practic aceasta aplicatie ar trebui sa permita oricui sa-si semneze documentele importante fara  mai lista inainte, totul direct din iPhone.

InstaSign is the easiest way to impose your signatures/handwriting on your photos. Try it once and you will love it. PRO version doesn’t impose InstaSign logo on final photos. Write something on a plain white paper, capture it with InstaSign, take a photograph and impose your captured signature/handwriting. Photographers: Impose your signatures upon your cool photos and develop your personal brand. Professionals: Electronically sign your documents without going through hassle of printing, signing and scanning. Others: Add warmth to your family photos by writing personal notes in your own handwriting on them.

  InstaSign Pro este disponibila intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.

Pretul initial:
InstaSign Pro



Developer: Umar Ashfaq
Categoria: Photo & Video

Descriere: InstaSign is the easiest way to impose your signatures/handwriting on your photos. Try it once and you will love it.


PRO version doesn’t impose InstaSign logo on final photos.

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 2.1 Mb