Samsung Galaxy Gear genereaza vanzari dezamagitoare

  Saptamana trecuta am publicat un articol in care va prezentam experienta mea cu Samsung Galaxy Gear, cel mai nou smartwatch fabricat de catre compania Samsung. Din dorinta de a aduce un smartwatch pe piata inaintea celor de la Apple, compania Samsung s-a hazardat lansand un produs nepregatit pentru consumatori, un produs care reprezinta un start, insa nimic mai mult de atat. Majoritatea review-urilor facute pentru Samsung Galaxy Gear au fost negative, iar vanzarile produsului confirma faptul ca el nu era pregatit pentru lansarea oficiala, numai 50.000 de unitati fiind comercializate in lumea intreaga.

Also, on September 25, Samsung Electronics released the Galaxy Gear in time for the wearable computing generation. Yet this product has cumulative sales under 50,000, with daily sales of only 800-900 units. These low sales values for the Galaxy Gear are far below the initial expectations of the industry.

  In ciuda cifrelor foarte mici de vanzari si a review-urilor slabe, un manager Samsung sustine ca a sa companie nu a fost creditata suficient pentru “inovatia” din spatele acestui produs. El a comparat Samsung Galaxy Gear cu o rosie necoapta, care in timp va deveni numai buna de mancat. Ca sa fiu sincer, “inovatiile” celor de la Samsung erau disponibile de ceva vreme in smartwatch-uri si ceea ce au implementat ei nou nu este atat de grozav incat sa-i faca pe utilizatori sa cumpere produsul si sa laude necontenit compania.

When you’re dealing with innovation and when you’re dealing with startups, I always make the analogy to small green tomatoes. What we’re dealing with is small green tomatoes and what we want to do is take care of them and work with them so they can become big red ripe tomatoes.  And what you want to be sure is that you don’t pluck the green tomato too early and you want to make sure you don’t criticize a small green tomato for not being a big red ripe tomato.  It’s a 1.0 device. I like it a ton. It’s 1.0. Personally, I don’t think enough people gave us the credit for innovating and getting it out there. Not easily done to integrate all this functionality into one thing. But I would also say over time this thing is going to get big and red.

  Nu stiu daca exista la Samsung persoane care sa priveasca obiectiv acest insucces, iar daca cea de-a doua versiune a Samsung Galaxy Gear nu va corecta problemele celei dintai, atunci mai mult ca sigur vom vorbi de un al doilea esec, care va afecta imaginea companiei.

UPDATE: Samsung sustine ca a comercializat 800.000 de unitati in lumea intreaga.

This post was last modified on nov. 19, 2013, 2:18 PM 14:18

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