Quanta Computer has reportedly landed orders for Apple’s rumored large-size iPad for mass production in the second half of 2014, while Inventec, Quanta and Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision Industry) are currently competing over Apple’s iWatch orders, according to sources from the upstream supply chain. Apple is also rumored be planning to release a 12.9-inch iPad in 2014 with Quanta in charge of manufacturing the device, the sources noted.Quanta is expected to encounter several challenges in terms of industrial design and assembly when making the large-size iPad. And since the size is not the mainstream specification, order volumes are expected to be limited, the sources said. The sources pointed out that Apple’s large-size iPad will mainly target the education and enterprise markets.
Separat de tableta iPad cu ecran de 12.9 inch, compania Apple intentioneaza sa lanseze si smartwatch-ul iWatch in cursul anului viitor, Quanta, Inventec si Foxconn incercand sa obtina contracte de la compania din Cupertino. Deocamdata nu se stie exact ce functii va avea viitorul iWatch sau ce forma va avea ecranul, insa se speculeaza ca am putea avea parte de un dispozitiv cu ecran curbat si un nou tip de baterie speciala pentru el. Avand in vedere zvonurile publicate in ultimele luni, lansarea acestor doua produse in cursul anului viitor pare destul de probabila, Apple avand interes destul de mare sa isi extinda portofoliul de produse.