India este cea mai recenta tara in care Apple si-a concentrat eforturile de a creste vanzarile de terminale iPhone, iar primele rezultate incep sa se vada. Conform unor date furnizate de catre un ziar indian, iPhone 5S
si iPhone 5C inregistreaza vanzari mai bune decat Samsung Galaxy S4 in India, iar daca in cazul primului ne puteam astepta la asa ceva, succesul celui de-al doilea dispozitiv este o surpriza. Partenerii Apple din India sunt foarte multumiti de cifrele de vanzari si sistemul buyback implementat de catre Apple a contribuit extrem de mult la cresterea lor.On the other hand, Samsung Electronics’ new Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Gear combo does not seem to have caught the Indian buyer’s fancy. An executive at Apple reseller Imagine in a South Delhi mall said, “We usually keep around 100 units for seven days. But since the launch of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, we have to update stocks every two days. “And sales increase three times over the weekend,” he said, adding that the buyback and EMI offers were doing great. The new Samsung S4 seems to be losing out in this new fight between the two smartphone giants. The manager at Samsung owned store was not comfortable in sharing the figures, but he confirmed that the Galaxy S4 was not doing as well as the Galaxy S3.
Avand in vedere faptul ca putina lume “iubeste” terminalul iPhone 5C, probabil extrem de multe persoane vor fi uimite sa afle ca el inregistreaza vanzari mai bune decat smartphone-ul high-end al celor de la Samsung. Desi Apple a fost criticata pentru comercializarea terminalului iPhone 5C la un pret prea mare pentru ceea ce ar oferi dispozitivul, se pare ca exista destule persoane interesate sa il achizitioneze, iar din acest lucru Apple va trage o concluzie simpla, ca strategiile de acest gen vor avea succes si in viitor.