I’ve been using Touch ID since I got an iPhone 5s in mid-October. Generally speaking, I like it, and I find it faster than the old swipe-and-passcode method, but I’ve felt compelled to reteach it my fingerprints twice already. I know this sounds impossible, but its recognition of my prints seems to decay with time. I rescanned my fingers this weekend, and Touch ID has been amazingly fast and accurate since then. Just as it was when I first got the 5s, and just as it was a few weeks later when I rescanned my fingers for the first time. Just before each rescan, though, I was so frustrated with Touch ID I felt like throwing the phone across the room.
Problema aceasta nu este intalnita pentru prima oara la cititorul de amprente din iPhone 5S si desi Apple a afirmat ca a rezolvat-o in produsul sau, realitatea este alta. In ciuda problemelor legate de coruperea datelor amprentelor, partea buna este ca stergerea si rescanarea acestora readuce lucrurile la normal, desi ele trebuiau sa functioneze corect de la bun inceput. Avand in vedere ca tehnologia ajunge acum pentru prima oara ca in iPhone-uri, era normal sa nu fie perfecta, insa in viitor ea va fi cu siguranta imbunatatita.