Musyc Pro ne permite sa cream muzica intr-un mod complet nou (Video)

  Musyc Pro este o aplicatie disponibila de saptamana trecuta in App Store si promovata de catre compania Apple, ea fiind gandita special pentru cei care doresc sa creeze muzica rapid si intr-un mod distractiv. Dupa cum puteti vedea si din clipul video de mai sus, aceasta este gandita pentru a crea muzica intr-un mod complet nou. Generarea de forme geometrice pe ecran si plasarea de noi surse de sunete va pot ajuta sa creati melodii complet noi si interesante, peste 64 e instrumente fiind disponibile pentru utilizatori.

Musyc is a fun and innovative music application where touch turns into music. No use of piano keyboard or partitions, draw shapes and listen to your piece of music while viewing sounds bouncing on the screen. Enjoy the 64 instruments (organized into 16 groups) exclusively created and produced at Fingerlab music studio as well as all the exciting and new physical and music tools provided in Musyc. Musyc Pro has the same features as the app Musyc with In-App Full Version.


  • Graphic design by Jonas Eriksson
  • Retina Display
  • Optimized for iPhone 5 and new iPad
  • High quality sound engine
  • Ultra-realistic physical engine
  • Audio track mixer (level, pitch, length, pan, mute)
  • 2 effect channels with 5 effects (Delay, Overdrive, Reverb, Dalek, Compressor)
  • Physical sequencer
  • Motion recorder
  • Advanced physical objects (planet, black hole, modulator, …)
  • Real-time audio recording
  • High-quality or compressed exports (DropBox, SoundCloud, Mail, AudioCopy and iTunes)
  • User sound kit with samples import

  Pe partea de creatie exista foarte multe functii interesante, insa ce se intampla pe partea de exportare a melodiilor? Ei bine, aplicatia are integrat un motor audio de inalta calitate, are implementate o serie de efecte proprii, are un motion recorder, inregistrare audio in timp real si posibilitatea de a comprima melodiile pentru a le partaja oriunde. Musyc Pro este disponibila in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Musyc Pro



Developer: Fingerlab SARL
Categoria: Music

Descriere: Musyc is a fun and innovative music application where touch turns into music.
No use of piano keyboard or partitions, draw shapes and listen to your piece of music while viewing sounds bouncing on the screen.
Enjoy the 64 instruments (organized into 16 gr…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 44.7 Mb

This post was last modified on dec. 8, 2013, 10:06 AM 10:06

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