Daca ati avut vreodata nevoie de o aplicatie pentru iOS care sa va ajute sa faceti calcule matematice complexe, atunci va recomand astazi aplicatia xSolve, un titlu dezvoltat de catre un student roman. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imagini si din descriere, aplicatia are conceput un design special pentru noul iOS 7 si in baza algoritmului implementat in ea, poate recunoaste si rezolva ecuatii matematice greu de rezolvat in mod normal. Dezvoltatorul xSolve sustine ca a sa creatie poate rezolva aproape orice fel de ecuatie liniara, ea functionand fara ajutorul unei conexiuni de internet si oferind posibilitatea de a introduce variabile proprii pentru fiecare ecuatie.
We all want to get rid of long and tedious tasks as soon as possible. To have more time to do what we love. Such a task is to solve equations. Some of them are very difficult, while most are impossible to solve by hand. Therefore, xSolve was created.
- Has a beautiful and intuitive user interface, although it is very fast and powerful.
- Can solve almost any system of linear equations.
- Algebraic equations can have any degree.
- Goes one step further, making it possible to use complex numbers for all accepted equations.
- Accuracy up to 12 decimal places.
- Custom variables.
- You do not need Internet access to perform calculations.
xSolve este disponibila in format universal in App Store.
xSolve – Advanced Equation Solver
Descriere: We all want to get rid of long and tedious tasks as soon as possible. To have more time to do what we love.