Family Guy va avea un joc special pentru platforma iOS

  Family Guy este unul dintre cele mai populare seriale animate satirice din SUA, iar in curand el va avea inclusiv un joc oficial disponibil in App Store-ul companiei Apple. Avand in vedere popularitatea titlului, compania Fox colaboreaza cu producatorul TinyCo pentru a aduce jocul in magazinul de aplicatii al celor din Cupertino, insa deocamdata exista putine detalii in legatura cu gameplay-ul sau. Mai exact, titlul ne va da posibilitatea de a participa la diverse aventuri ce vor avea loc in Quahog, orasul in care locuiesc toate personajele, Peter Griffin fiind personajul principal.

“It’s really fun!” said Peter Griffin, Family Guy character since 1999. “Plus, if you play it for more than three hours it counts as going outside!” In the game, players will be able to adventure throughout Quahog, recruiting (and sometimes confronting) their favorite Family Guy characters along the way. TinyCo is working directly with the Family Guy show writers to develop the game’s story and dialogue, ensuring that players will enjoy an authentic experience complete with original animation and endless antics that you’d expect from the citizens of Quahog.

  Desi incepeti jocul cu cel mai popular membru al Family Guy, in aventurile voastre veti avea ocazia de a “recruta” toate caracterele celebrei serii pentru a participa la aventurile concepute de catre dezvoltatori.Pe masura ce noi detalii vor fi dezvaluite in legatura cu jocul Family Guy va voi anunta.

This post was last modified on dec. 10, 2013, 7:33 PM 19:33

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