WhatsApp Messenger are un numar record de utilizatori activi

  WhatsApp Messenger este cu siguranta cea mai utilizata aplicatie de mesagerie din lume, oficiali ai companiei care detine serviciul anuntand astazi un numar record de utilizatori activi pentru acest titlu. Intr-un articol publicat pe propriul blog, compania care detine serviciul WhatsApp vorbeste despre povestea de succes din spatele celei mai populare aplicatii de mesagerie, 400 de milioane de oameni utilizand-o in fiecare luna, in timp ce doar 40 de ingineri lucreaza in mod constant pentru mentinerea serviciului in functiune si totul fara a afisa vreun banner promotional.

A few short years ago, my friend Brian and I set out to build a messaging service with a single focus: best possible user experience. We bet that if our team of engineers could make messaging fast, simple, and personal, we could charge people directly for the service without having to rely on annoying banner ads, game promotions, or all those other distracting “features” that come with many messaging apps. When we say that you made this possible, we mean it. WhatsApp has just 50 employees, and most of us are engineers. We’ve arrived at this point without spending a dollar on targeted ads or big marketing campaigns. We’re here because of all the people who share their WhatsApp stories with co-workers, friends, and loved ones – stories we love to hear.

  In ciuda faptului ca vorbim despre o companie cu un numar mic de angajati, WhatsApp detine o aplicatie care a generat o evaluare de cateva miliarde de dolari si cateva propuneri de achizitie, refuzate deocamdata. WhatsApp Messenger are un model de monetizare destul de simplu, dezvoltatorii cerand utilizatorilor doar 1$ anual pentru utilizarea aplicatiei suma fiind infima, insa aparent suficienta pentru ei. Desi nimeni nu stie acest lucru, informatiile obtinute de catre companie din analizarea datelor de utilizare a aplicatiei sunt mult mai valoroase decat banii obtinut din abonamente, acest lucru generand destui bani anual.

  Aplicatia WhatsApp Messenger pentru iOS este disponibila gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:
WhatsApp Messenger



Developer: WhatsApp Inc.
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messenger available for iPhone and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to se…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 17.8 Mb

This post was last modified on dec. 19, 2013, 8:30 PM 20:30

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