Incepand cu iOS 7 compania Apple a modificat modalitatea prin care pot fi setate rintgone-uri/tonuri de apel din iDevice-urile noastre, astfel ca aplicatiile din Cydia nu mai pot seta tonuri de apel fara probleme. Pentru a repara aceasta modificare facuta de catre compania Apple, tweak-ul ToneEnabler a fost lansat in Cydia, el modificand iOS 7 astfel inca tonurile de apel sa fie citite in baza prezentei intr-un director al sistemului de operare, asa ca orice veti copia voi acolo va putea fi utilizat ca si ton de apel.
In iOS 7.x apple uses a plist in order to load ringtones in settings instead of simply iterating through the /Library/Ringtones directory. This tweak enables the behavior that was present before 7.x and reads the tones from the directory so tones that you download from Cydia or UnlimTones will now show in settings.
ToneEnabler este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
This post was last modified on dec. 26, 2013, 11:13 AM 11:13