iPhone 6C cu ecran curbat apare intr-un nou concept (Video)

  Acum cateva saptamani de zile v-am prezentat pentru prima oara un concept al iPhone 6C cu ecran curbat de diagonala mai mare, iar astazi vedem si un clip video animat al acestui terminal imaginar. In clipul video de mai sus veti putea vedea un dispozitiv care are un design usor modificat fata de cel gandit de catre Apple

pentru actualul iPhone 5C, doar ecranul fiind curbat in interior, carcasa acestuia ramanand dreapta, rigida. Chiar daca pentru multi acest concept ar putea parea interesant, stim cu totii ca Apple nu va produce un asemenea terminal vreodata.

Introducing iPhone 6C. A completely new expression of iPhone that’s not just for lovers of color. It’s for the colorful. This time we show you some new features of our new concept: iPhone 6C! You asked us: “Why you have designed an iPhone with curved display?” … well, because you could have a bigger display in the same space! We can not stay stuck in the past! We must look to the future and imagine how the new devices could be !

This post was last modified on dec. 28, 2013, 10:25 AM 10:25

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