Apple anunta aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii in App Store

  Este vineri din nou si compania Apple a schimbat promotiile disponibile in App Store-ul sau, astfel ca avem parte de un nou titlu oferit gratuit timp de 7 zile in cadrul promotiei aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii. Aseara va spuneam ca titlul Scanner Pro by Readdle este disponibil gratuit in magazinul companiei Apple, iar el se dovedeste a fi aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii a celor din Cupertino. Scanner Pro by Readdle a fost gandita in ideea de a ne permite sa scanam rapid documente folosindu-ne iDevice-urile, iar asta inseamna inregistrarea unei poze in care apar documentele si procesarea ei pentru a afisa toate informatiile ca si cum ar fi fost scanate folosind un scanner real.

Scanner Pro transforms your iPhone and iPad into portable scanners. It allows you to scan receipts, whiteboards, paper notes, or any multipage document. Scanned documents can be emailed and printed, uploaded to Dropbox, Google Drive and Evernote, or simply saved on the iPhone/iPad. The application incorporates special algorithms that remove shadows, make scans sharper, correct perspective and make them as readable as possible.

  • Scan documents – Scanner Pro scans any type of document, ranging from a receipt to multipage documents. All scans are saved as a PDF.
  • Process images smartly – Automatic edge detection and advanced image processing help you to get great scans blazingly fast. You can also adjust the crop area manually, by tapping on the screen.
  • Real-time border detection – While making a scan, borders are detected visually and in real time. Thus you can choose the best position to get a perfect scan and skip manual borders adjustments.
  • Scan documents into a PDF file – All scanned document are produced as industry-standard PDF files. You can add new scans, delete or rearrange pages within a PDF file.
  • Email or print scanned documents – Just scan any document and tap the “Send” button. If the document needs to be printed, send it to any printer nearby.
  • Upload scans to online storage – All your scans can be uploaded to Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive or any other WebDAV-enabled online storage. 
  • iCloud sync across all devices – It brings convenient access to all your documents on your iPhone or iPad. When you take a picture on your iPhone, seconds later it can be accessed on your iPad vice versa.

  Aplicatia are la baza un set de algorimti speciali care detecteaza automat marginile documentelor si elementele din imagini, astfel incat rezultatul final va semana cat se poate de bine cu unul real. Scanner Pro by Readdle este disponibila gratuit in format universal si va recomand sa o incercati.

Pretul initial:
Scanner Pro by Readdle



Developer: Igor Zhadanov
Categoria: Business

Descriere: “Scanner Pro is perhaps the best app for quickly scanning and saving a digital version of a paper document.” – New York Times.

Scanner Pro transforms your iPhone and iPad into portable scanners. It allows…

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