SwitcherDismiss inchide automat task switcher-ul din iOS 7

  SwitcherDismiss este un tweak disponbiil din cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa o functie interesanta pentru task switcherul din iOS 7SwitcherDismiss a fost conceput in ideea de a ne oferi posibilitatea de a seta o functie de inchidere automata a task switcher-ului din iOS 7 dupa o anumita perioada de la deschiderea sa, acest lucru fiind imposibil in mod normal. Tweak

-ul are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iOS 7, iar prin el il putem activa si putem stabili perioada de timp care trebuie sa treaca pana in momentul in care task switcher-ul va fi automat inchis.

Requires iOS 7. SwitcherDismiss allows you to automatically dismiss the Multitasking Switcher after a delay of whatever you choose. You can enable and disable the Tweak in the Settings Application and set the seconds after which the Switcher should dismiss itself. After the Installation a respring is required. You will also have to enable the Tweak in the settings and set the seconds first, before it will work.

  SwitcherDismiss este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on ian. 7, 2014, 10:43 PM 22:43

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