NCObey este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar prin intermediul sau putem modifica modul in care este deschis Notifications Center-ul in iOS 7. Tweak-ul nu modifica metoda de accesare a centrului de notificari, ci sectiunile care sunt deschise, totul folosind un meniu de setari. Prin intermediul NCObey putem deschide diverse sectiuni ale Notifications Center in functie de zona de ecran in care facem swipe, putem seta ca o anumita sectiune sa fie tot timpul deschisa si aici se opreste totul.
Requires iOS 7. NCObey will make Notification Center obey your will. Depending on where on the statusbar you begin dragging it, the corresponding tab will be opened. Start dragging on the far left to open the Today view; in the middle to open All view and so on. It also features a mode that always opens Notification Center to a default tab or one that always opens Today view if there are no pending notifications.
NCObey este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.