Apple si brevetul sau secret pentru ecrane flexibile

  De cateva luni de zile se tot zvoneste ca Apple ar putea lansa iDevice-uri sau un iWatch care au ecrane curbate, insa iata ca in Cupertino se lucreaza si la ecrane flexigile pentru viitoarele sale produse. Procesul de dezvoltare este facut in secret, iar in acelasi stil sunt trimise spre inregistrare si brevetele de inventie pentru tehnologii. Recent un brevet de inventie apartinand Apple a fost inregistrat la oficiul pentru brevete de inventie si marci din Europa, insa ca si inventatori sunt creditati angajati ai sai si nu compania, aceasta strategie tinand tehnologia departe de interesul presei si a lumii.

Apple’s invention relates to electronic devices that may contain multiple housing portions coupled together using hinges. The hinges may be based on a three or four-bar linkage, hinges with slotted members, hinges formed from flexible support structures and hinges based on flexible housing structures. According to Apple, flexible displays may be mounted to the housing portions overlapping the hinges. When the housing portions in a device are rotated relative to each other, the flexible display may bend.

  In acest brevet de inventie, compania Apple descrie o posibila implementare a unor ecrane flexibile in produsele sale, acestea fiind montate pe carcase care ar fi interconectate folosind chingi. Aveti in acest articol cateva ilustratii care prezinta o posibila implementare a ecranelor flexibile in iPhone, iPad, iPod

sau iWatch, insa parca intreaga demonstratie nu pare a fi ceva demn de Apple. Compania descrie metode de utilizare a ecranelor flexibile care s-au dovedit a nu fi chiar atat de populare, niciun smartphone de acest gen neavand succes, insa poate Apple va gandi totusi ceva mai revolutionar.

Further to Apple’s patent, they note that hinge may be based on a flexible material (e.g., a sheet of flexible polymer or metal) which could be implemented in a single or multi-shaft mechanism – or any other structure that supports rotational motion about a rotational axis to allow housing members to move relative to one another. In the third, Apple’s patent is a side view of a device with a flexible display in a triangular configuration. Apple further notes that in this configuration it could either accommodate a two-person game or the use of two separate applications running at the same time. The very same gaming idea was recently echoed in a Samsung patent in a more elaborate illustration.

  Indiferent cum vor arata viitoarele produse Apple cu ecrane flexibile, este clar ca in Cupertino este luata in calcul inclusiv lansarea unor asemenea dispozitive si ramane doar de vazut care vor fi primele terminale de acest gen.

This post was last modified on ian. 11, 2014, 6:09 PM 18:09

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